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A:  “EEiiiiiiiii, pakai apron, macam tukang masak!”

B:  “Maaf tanya yer, mengapa pakai apron?. Saya tak pernah tengok orang jual buku pakai apron”.

C: ” Pakai apron ini sebab memang sini cafe ya?”

ITU adalah antara dialog dan soalan yang ditujukan kepada kami. Sebab apa kami pakai apron?


Kami mempunyai sebab yang tersendiri dan apron tidak semestinya dipakai hanya semasa di dapur.


Berikut adalah Top-10 mengapa pakai apron:-


10) Kitchen décor: Nothing gives a kitchen that “serious cook lives here” look as economically as a color-coordinated apron casually draped over a hook or hanging from the corner of a baker’s rack.  It can really pull the room together as well.

9) That favorite gift:  What inspired me to start in the first place were the reactions I received over a period of several months when I started giving aprons as gifts.   At showers and birthdays, they always inspired the most excitement and outpouring of thanks from the recipient over even much more expensive gifts.

8) A bib for kids (and sometimes adults!) Long after the age when my eldest decided she was too old to wear a bib, I’ve been protecting her clothing by having her don an apron before especially messy meals.  Not only is she more than happy to do so, aprons actually provide much more coverage than a typical bib.  It worked so well I actually threw away my toddler’s bibs and started putting them on her as well!

7) Recruitment tool:  Speaking of children, mine have never been happier to help me in the kitchen than when they’re wearing their “uniforms”.  Pull out the apron, and my 7 year old who was just refusing to set the table suddenly wants to help toss the salad.

6) Motivational tool:  Aprons don’t just motivate children.  If I’m just not in the mood to clean or do laundry (again), all I have to do is dip into my apron stash to get my homemaker mojo flowing again.

5) Fashion Accessory:  The vintage housewife look is all the rage these days.

4) Stain concealer:  At least once I have thrown on an apron when the doorbell rang just as my toddler decided to try out her new marker set on my t-shirt while sitting on my lap.  Instant clothes change!

3) Impromptu cleaning rag. Sometimes messes just happen and you have to use what’s on hand.

2) Image booster:  Want to impress that new date with your kitchen prowess?  He’ll be more likely to judge even less-than-stellar cooking as spectacular when he sees what a serious cook you are.

1) A marriage enhancer:  Men love our lacy aprons especially, and a common search phrase for aprons I see is “apron and panties”.  Enough said.  🙂








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