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Sunday, December 21, 2014
SALAH satu perkara yang menarik perhatian kami ketika menghadiri Sidang Kemuncak Penulis Malaysia (SKPM) di Jitra kira-kira dua bulan lalu, ialah pertemuan dengan Muhamad bin Ali.
Muhamad Ali bukan seorang peninju. Hanya kebetulan namanya sama dengan nama legenda tinju dunia itu.
Muhamad Ali seorang penulis yang setakat ini sudah menghasilkan lima buah buku. Jadi apa yang istimewa dengan beliau? Muhamad Ali adalah seorang mantan pegawai kerajaan yang sudah berkhidmat selama 30 tahun tetapi mengambil keputusan untuk bersara semata-mata untuk berniaga buku.
Beliau memperkenalkan konsep berniaga buku yang baru. Kedai Buku Bergerak adalah satu-satunya di Malaysia. Muhammad bersama rakannya, Muhammad Azam Nor Anwar mengambil inisiatif mengadakan Mobile Book Cafe, sebuah kedai buku bergerak menggunakan van.
Sebenarnya, menurut Muhamad Ali mendapat inspirasi untuk mengadakan Kedai Buku Bergerak itu daripada kedai buku bergerak milik Penguin Books di Amerika Syarikat. Selepas itu, bersama rakannya yang kebetulan mempunyai minat yang besar terhadap buku, mereka memulakan perniagaan menggunakan sebuah van yang diubahsuai untuk menempatkan himpunan buku yang disusun dalam satu ruang pameran yang ditata dengan cantik. Van yang digunakan pun dicat dengan padanan warna terang seperti warna hijau, oren dan kuning, dan gambar-gambar buku untuk memenuhi selera peminat-peminat buku di negara ini.
Sebanyak 1,200 buah judil buku diisi di ruang pameran manakala selebihnya dimuatkan dalam van berkenaan. Mereka membelanjakan kira-kira RM150,000 bagi menampung keseluruhan kos untuk membuat kedai buku bergerak itu.
Pada mulanya mereka menghadapi kesukaran untuk mendapatkan kelulusan daripada Puspakom dan Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) untuk pengubahsuaian van itu bagi tujuan menjual buku. Katanya, proses itu mengambil masa empat bulan kerana menurut JPJ, pihaknya tidak mempunyai rekod meluluskan kedai buku bergerak sebelum itu. “Kami adalah yang pertama memperkenalkan kedai buku bergerak ini di Malaysia,” katanya kepada kami.
Turut berkunjung ke kedai buku bergerak itu ialah Ketua Satu Ikatan Penulis Sabah (IPS) Sukor Haji Usin. Menurut Muhamad, pelbagai judul buku dijual melalui kedai buku bergerak itu terutamanya buku-buku tempatan. Oleh sebab, antara sasaran kedai buku bergerak itu adalah kalangan pelajar sekolah, bahan-bahan yang dijual dipastikan agar menggunakan tata bahasa yang betul.
Beliau berkata, kedai buku bergerak itu memberi keutamaan untuk mengadakan jualan di sekolah-sekolah dan institut pengajian tinggi dan karnival juala di sekitar Lembah Klang. Bagaimanapun, pihaknya kurang menyertai karnival hiburan kerana biasanya pengunjung kurang menghargai buku kerana mereka datang untuk melihat penyannyi dan sebagainya. Jadi Kedai Buku Bergerak itu mempunyai sasaran pasarannya sendiri.
Menurut beliau, sambutan yang diberikan oleh orang ramai agak menggalakkan juga. Menurut pemerhatian beliau, orang Malaysia memang suka membaca cuma mereka jarang ke kedai buku. Melalui kedai buku bergerak itu, mereka boleh singgah untuk membaca buku sambil menikmati kopi panas yang disediakan. “Mereka tidak semestinya membeli buku. Sekadar membaca pun tidak apa kerana kita mahu menggalakkan masyarakat kita menjadikan membaca sebagai sebahagian daripada budaya hidup mereka.
Selain itu, salah satu kaedah yang dilakukan oleh Mobile Book Cafe itu adalah menganjurkan bengkel penulisan, bengkel puisi untuk sekolah menengah dan bengkel menulis dan melukis untuk pelajar sekolah rendah. Beliau berkata, sambutan yang ditunjukkan oleh pelajar-pelajar amatlah membanggakan. Biasanya mereka akan berada di sesebuah sekolah selama tiga hari. Tempoh masa yang diberikan itu adalah memadai untuk memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk membeli buku.
Bengkel-bengkel penulisan diadakan secara percuma dan mereka sedia membawa tokoh-tokoh atau pakar dalam bidang penulisan untuk mengendalikan bengkel yang diadakan itu. Sejauh ini, konsep kedai buku bergerak itu mendapat sambutan yang menggalakkan daripada orang ramai. Cuma kadang-kadang faktor cuaca seperti hujan yang menyebabkan mereka terpaksa menunggu hingga hujan berhenti sebelum dapat meneruskan jualan.
Muhamad juga berhasrat untuk membina rakan niaga di seluruh negara, tidak terkecuali di Sabah. Matlamat kami adalah untuk membantu masyarakat menjadikan buku sebagai teman setia mereka. Kita haruslah mencontohi budaya membaca di negara maju supaya kita dapat menimba ilmu,”katanya.
Ketika ditanya, sambutan pengunjung ketika Sidang Kemuncak Penulis Malaysia itu berlangsung, Muhamad berkata, kedai buku bergerak itu berjaya menarik perhatian penulis yang hadir. “Ada penulis yang beli buku sendiri di MBC,” katanya. Beliau juga berkata, Mobile Book Cafe itu itu akan terus membudayakan budaya membaca di kalangan masyarakat melalui konsep kedai buku bergerak pertama di Malaysia.
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Two youngsters, 20 states and a truck full of books
Last updated on: January 22, 2016 18:36 IST
Two persons have set out on a wonderful journey to spread the love of books across the country.
Bhubaneswar-based ‘Bibliophile Travellers’ Akshaya Rautaray and Satabdi Mishra (pictured above) of ‘Walking BookFairs’ are travelling to 20 states, 10,000 km for a period of 90 days as part of their ‘Read More India 2015′ book tour to promote reading. The journey started on December 15 from Odisha.
For them, the book tour is a celebration of books, reading, writers, bookshops, booksellers, libraries and publishers.
At their truck that is custom made to hold 4,000 books, anyone can look at books by various authors and read diverse kind of writings by both Indian and Foreign writers free of cost.
“It is ironical that there are so many literary festivals happening all over the country but less and less people are reading books. There are very few bookshops in India and no bookshops in smaller towns or villages.
“Most bookshops are shops selling textbooks and stationery. Even the bookshops that one finds in bigger towns or cities stock mostly best sellers with zero discounts offered to general readers.
“Though there are many good authors in India, many books and authors are not able to reach people everywhere because of a lack of effective distribution chain and because there are no bookshops,” says Akshaya, who along with Shatabdi has set up a ‘Walking BookFairs’ store in Bhubaneswar.”
They feel good books are not reaching people and there is a need to promote reading for pleasure, specially among school children.
“We must look beyond reading textbooks and encourage reading story books. There are so many children who have not even seen a story book let alone read one. This book tour will give children everywhere, from all sections of the society, a chance to explore the world of books, free of cost,” Shatabdi says.
The Walking BookFairs book truck is a free library for all, where everybody is welcome to browse and read for free. It is also a bookshop where people can buy books at a discount.
Shatabdi and Akshaya say the society has successfully alienated a whole generation of young people from reading, thinking and questioning. “We as a society, as citizens, as parents, teachers and friends, have an obligation to inspire and encourage young people to read more books. It is only through books that we can create a truly beautiful world without boundaries where each of us can realise their true potential,” says Akshaya.
Last year, they had launched the ‘Read Odisha Tour 2015′ where they had taken books to all 30 districts of Odisha. “We have been planning an all India book tour for some time and with great difficulty we have finally managed to put everything together,” he says.
Shatabdi and Akshaya have three publishers supporting their tour — HarperCollins India, Pan Macmillan India and Parragon Publishers.
“Even with their support, this turned out to be a very expensive tour, but we decided to go ahead with it as we felt very strongly about it,” says Shatabdi.
Currently, they are in Karnataka after touring Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Chhattisgarh and Odisha.
“We have been conducting free reading sessions with thousands of schoolchildren in various schools where school children come and read story books for free at the Walking BookFairs free library.
“We have also been stopping at various locations to hold public book displays where people come to browse, read or buy books. We are meeting many people, school students, college students, book lovers, tourists, writers etc,” says Akshaya, adding that they hope to inspire and encourage more people everywhere to read more books and to spread the love of books far and wide.
Interview with a Bookstore: Dylans Mobile Bookstore in Wales

Dylans Mobile Bookstore Photograph: Literary Hub
Dylans Mobile Bookstore was dreamt up three years ago by Jeff Towns and his son Joe in a bar in Laugharne, Wales during a literary festival. Jeff, an antiquarian bookseller for 40 years, had closed his old shop in Swansea, Wales ten years prior, but he still had about 10,000 books in storage and was missing the buzz of the book trade. He had been considering starting a pop-up bookshop that would travel to various festivals when Joe suggested that he buy an old library bus instead. Before long, they’d dubbed it Dylans Mobile Bookstore and were on the road with a merry brand of pranksters; Joe handles the bus’s bookings and social media, their friend Huwie drives, and Joe’s wife Gwar keeps everyone in line.
What’s your favourite section of the store?
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Jeff: My favourite section has to be our Beat section. We stock classic titles by Burroughs, Ginsberg, Kerouac… We loosely based Dylans Mobile Bookstore on Ken Kesey’s Magic bus, and we also have a big cardboard cut out of Neal Cassady behind the wheel. On the side of the bus is our motto: “Find an event, immerse yourself, become the story.” It’s one of Hunter S Thompson’s.
Joe: I look after the vintage stuff, so that’s my favourite bit: retro ladybird originals, rare music magazines, curious Victoriana, political pamphlets, old medical prints and postcards, hilarious educational and etiquette books from the ’30s, ’40s, and ’50s about how we used to live. Even things like magic lanterns and all the erotica! Any of the weird stuff.
Gwawr: I run a section on the Bus called Blind Date Book Club, where I wrap up books in brown paper and put a few cheeky clues on the cover and then people pick a book based on the clue—basically a blind date with a book. It’s one pound a go. A pretty cheap date, I reckon! And these books are always the first to sell out.

Jeff, pictured inside Dylans Mobile Bookstore. Photograph: Literary Hub
Jeff, pictured inside Dylans Mobile Bookstore.
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Jeff, pictured inside Dylans Mobile Bookstore. Photograph: Literary Hub
If you had infinite space what would you add?
Jeff: We have a graffiti artist in residence; his name is Simon Dark. He does spray can stencil pictures of all our literary heroes—Richard Brautigan, Tom Wolfe, Hemingway, and Hunter. And shot gun art of all our least favourite politicians. It would be cool to have some spare wall space for his pictures. Oh, and personally I’d like An Art Deco Art Nouveau absinthe dispenser on the counter…
What do you do better than any other bookstore?
Jeff: Thomases! We specialise in Dylan Thomas, R.S. Thomas, Edward Thomas, and Gwyn Thomas. We are based in Wales, and those are four of our finest literary legends. So we have Thomas covered. And Poetry! No one does poetry like us. Not only do we stock a lot of poetry, but we also hold pop up poetry sessions on the bus for people to come and perform. Amateurs and professionals both.
Who’s your favorite regular?
Jeff: There’s a guy called Gruff Rhys who sings with a band called the Super Furry Animals; he has an amazing aura whenever he comes on board. He’s very calm and wise, talks slowly, and asks for extremely obscure books about Welsh heroes: myths and legends like Iolo Morgannwg.
If I wasn’t a bookseller? I’d probably be some sort of itinerant tramp
Musicians always make great customers. Thurston Moore from Sonic Youth came on once and bought some really interesting Welsh poetry from a publication called Second Aeon; that was cool.
What’s the craziest situation you’ve ever had to deal with in the store?
Joe: Wow, where to start? Going to music festivals, it gets pretty surreal and strange at night, but we have another old Hunter S Thompson saying we like: “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” People at festivals are often in fancy dress so we’ve had bears, zulu warriors, spacemen, and guys on stilts all buying books of us. Once the artist Gavin Turk came on the bus dressed as a tree. The thing with festivals is no one ever has any cash. People always want to trade books for alcohol or sunglasses or even hash cakes!
At the Good Life Festival we had a lovely lady buy an old copy of Private Eye magazine with Robert Maxwell on the cover. We asked why she wanted an edition with such an evil guy on the cover and the girl said: “Robert Maxwell was my granddad.” And at the Green Man Festival last year, a guy arrived on a raft, attached to a barge, on which he was delivering a piano to London. He asked for some books on pianos. See what I mean? It’s weird.

Photograph: Literary Hub
What’s your earliest/best memory about visiting a bookstore as a child?
Jeff: I remember Better Books and Compendium Bookstores in London when I was young. I could get my hands on early Beat stuff, drug literature, and counter culture books. I won a prize at school on sports day when I was 16, and the prize was a book token. I could have any book I wanted. I went to a bookshop in East London and boughtHowl, and the head teacher had to present it to me. I don’t think he read it!
I went to my first ever antiquarian book fair in Bath in 1971. It was in an ancient eight-sided building called the octagon, and I remember seeing all these men with beards surrounded by incredible books. I was intrigued and hooked for life!
Festival goers seem to find the Bus a place of tranquility, a break from the madness
If you weren’t running or working at a bookstore, what would you be doing?
Jeff: Probably some sort of itinerant tramp. I’ve never had a proper job, never had a boss; life on the road suits me. I really can’t imagine being anything else other than a bookseller. I did want to be a pro basketball player back in the day. I once sponsored a local team in Swansea, and we were called the Dylans Bookmen.
Joe: I guess if we didn’t have the BookBus we’d still go to the festivals, but having the bus makes it easier, it justifies it. We take the BookBus to the sort of festivals we always wanted to go to anyway—the sort of bespoke rock and roll festivals which also cater for the arts. It’s amazing how these festivals now get in touch with us, invite us along with the bus, and treat us like performers with backstage passes. Some of us have normal jobs, so it’s just a joy to come and work on the bus. I sleep on it too, which is magical.

‘We’ve had bears, zulu warriors, spacemen, and guys on stilts all buying books of us…’ Photograph: Literary Hub
‘We’ve had bears, zulu warriors, spacemen, and guys on stilts all buying books of us’…
‘We’ve had bears, zulu warriors, spacemen, and guys on stilts all buying books of us…’ Photograph: Literary Hub
What’s been the biggest surprise about running a bookstore?
Jeff: The constant synchronicity that seems to occur in the book world. The amount of times I’m sat reading a book and then someone comes in and asks for that very book — it’s spooky. There are always amazing moments of serendipity and destiny in the book trade. I feel it when I’m in other bookshops, too; I find myself instinctively drawn towards a certain shelf. I can sense where a bookshop will be in cities I’ve never been to.
Interview with a Bookstore: Melbourne’s Readings, the best bookshop in the world
Joe: I’m always pleasantly surprised how much the people at music festivals want to actually buy books. They seem to find the Bus a place of tranquility, a break from the madness—we have music playing but we keep it mellow. Coming on the BookBus, because it’s an authentic old library bus, people get all nostalgic about their school days and remember the day the library bus would visit: the way it wobbles when you step on, like it’s boat on the sea, and the cantilevered shelves. People have a sort of epiphany. It’s a genuine madeleine moment for them.
The staff shelf
What are Dylans Mobile Bookstore’s booksellers reading?
On The Black Hill by Bruce Chatwin
On the Black Hill by Bruce Chatwin (1982). Gwawr recommends: “I’m from a farming background in Wales, and the way Chatwin describes how life can be on a farm is perfect.”
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson (1971). Simon recommends: “Hunter. Every time. Or anything by Hemingway.”
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog by Dylan Thomas (1940). Jeff recommends: “A stunning collection of short stories by Dylan Thomas. People forget what an amazing prose writer Dylan was, and how funny he could be.”
If you’d like to follow where Dylans Mobile Bookstore is, you can check their Facebook page.
36 Best Catchy Book Slogans and Creative Taglines
Dalam banyak2 Slogan kedai buku ini, yang mana satu sesuai diubahsuai menjadi slogan baru MBC ya?.
A great eye for good books.
A great place to be stranded.
A world of books for young and old.
Always full of inspiration.
Always worth a browse.
Because you read.
Books to change our world.
Discover something new.
Enrich your life.
For booklovers.
For the discerning reader.
Inspiration for every age.
More than a book store.
New ideas arriving daily.
Passion for books.
Passionate about books.
Read freely.
Real bookshop with real book people.
So many reasons to shop at Eason’s.
Spend less. Read more.
The independent bookshop with traditional values.
The internet’s largest bookstore.
The last word in books.
The legendary independent bookstore.
We have all the best stories.
What goes into the mind comes out in a life.
What will you discover together today?
Whatever you’re into get into Eason.
What’s your story?
When it comes to completeness, we wrote the book.
Where Montreal’s readers and writers gather.
Where the bookstore comes to you.
Where you never pay full price for anything.
Where your journey begins…
Whitcoulls guaranteed great read or your money back.
You’re bound to find more.
Ben’s Book Barn
Bargain Books
Look Inna Book
The Secret Garden Bookstore
The Book Basement
Books By the Ocean
A Whole New World Bookstore
Book Addicts
Downtown Books
Uptown Books
Sunshine Book Shop
Once Upon a Book
Rain or Shine Books
Bookmark Joe’s
Rainbow Books
Turn the Page
The Book Train
Classics Bookstore
Reading Rhonda’s Bookstore
A New Chapter
Paging All Readers!
Just One More Chapter
Peepers and Pages Bookstore
Cover 2 Cover Book Shop
Peepers Books
Undercover Books
We Love Books!
The Author’s Library
Books Books Books
Author Attic
AAA Book Shop
Imagine Bookstore
A1 Bookstore
ABC 123 Books
Daily Dose of Reading
Learn-a-Lot Books
The Big Book Superstor
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